Saturday, November 18, 2017

Justice League

If you grew up in the era when I grew up reading more DC than Marvel comics and was always looking forward to watching the Superfriends animated series on Saturday mornings, then you can understand how that just the very fact of their being finally a movie about all of them in one place, the Justice League itself, is such a big deal and is finally here.  That fact alone is and will have to be satisfying enough, because the Justice League film does disappoint.  What I took away from Batman vs Superman, despite it's own flaws, was that at the very least it was a precursor to Justice League and anchored by the presence and performance of Gal Gadot.  However, this film is obviously bigger than a redeeming Gadot, as there are 3 new characters being introduced or shall I say for audience purposes, being brought forth (with the exception of Cyborg).  Personally, I still feel the grief of the Green Lantern film fuck up of 2011, so at least they didn't foolishly try to jam him in this rather lack luster film.  Honestly, the trailer is more satisfying and if you keep your expectations at the level of Batman vs Superman, you won't be disappointed that much.  Frankly, even most of the humor of the film were in the trailers.  How to introduce a team, gel them together, resurrect Superman, and save the day is certainly enough to cram into any movie.  But these challenges have been done before.  There are film templates of success for it, the most obvious example being the Avenger films or even the early Transformer movies.  We certainly can't blame Affleck as Batman for this one.  In the midst of that challenge, the story was just badly written and not portrayed as urgent.  It's a shame because there were certain interesting points, not given enough emphasis.  For example, how there was a historical unity against this present threat of power in between Aquaman's, Wonder Woman's, and us regular human being's ancestors. The Flash was pretty much the equivalent of Spiderman inserted into the last Avenger film and Aquaman could have easily just been any other loud mouthed, testorone driven character in any other action film except he uses a pitchfork instead of a gun.  The most interesting character this time around was Cyborg, yeah the Black guy who was very instrumental to the story.  He's been around the comic world since 1980 and can arguably be seen as DC's attempt to update their diversity (think Marvel's Black Panther).  The Cyborg movie is set for 2020.  The villain, a character called Steppenwolf (lol, I kid you not) is like a fucked up looking Loki character from Thor, but without the charisma.  There's a decent exchange of him battling the Amazons early on, but that's about it.   But somehow Superman has to be resurrected to help take care of this threat and lead the Justice League.  That aspect also felt a bit forced on us.  Like, you mean these other superheroes could not get their shit together enough in time to coordinate all their unique powers to stop this guy?  I didn't buy it and neither did I think the audience. DC is just so damn far behind Marvel in film development and generating something other than disappointment. At least Batman vs Superman had some appealing  air of mystery in Superman's death and the notion of the other 3 superhero characters that would follow. DC is just so damn far behind Marvel in film development and generating something other than disappointment.  For sure, I'll watch Justice League again on dvd. I'm still a  DC fan and this movie has been a long time coming.

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