Monday, April 22, 2019

The Girl In The Spider's Web

Claire Foy is a very fine actor and all and she's capable enough in the role here, but she surely ain't no Noomi Rapace.  Director Fede Alvarez does a fine job of updating the technical capabilities of our favorite dark vigilante heroine and her alies, but too much emphasis is placed on that at the expense of other essential elements.  It's cool and all, but The Girl In The Spider's Web ends up becoming just another almost composite of  the Jason Bourne films at best.  Lisbeth's backstory, as interesting as it was and integral to the whole story, was not fully dealt with enough getting lost in a plot that was more suited to Bourne or Bond.  The look, pacing, and action were all right and it had a creative premise, but it didn't fully live up to the expectations of what I've come to expect in this franchise. One other notable omission was the rapport with partner and  journalist Mikael Blomkvist (played by Sverrir Gudnason), who was almost reduced to just an extra here. This is a shame, because there is so much inherent possibility in characters that rich and that we've seen done well on the screen in the 3 original Swedish films and even in the well edited and executed Netflix TV series which takes a different slant.

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