Thursday, August 9, 2018

Red Sparrow

This was a great spy thriller starring Jennifer Lawrence.  It very much hearkens back to the great spy thriller films of the 1970's like Three Days Of The Condor and The Day Of The Jackal in it's tone and sense of reality.  Lawrence plays a promising young Russian dancer turned spy who is highly compelled to just survive in that murky world and she gives a truly great performance, fleshing out what would normally be just a one dimensional villain or hero.   It is that fleshing out of her character, backstory, and drive with fairly limited dialogue against the backdrop of a an intricate plot I think, that really make this movie compelling to watch.  The action certainly and refreshingly, doesn't feel contrived or genre obligated and perhaps at the box office expense of Red Sparrow.  But of course, box office splash doesn't always equate to bad movie either.  The only major drawback for me was the under developed supporting  characters side of the story, particularly the CIA operative (Joel Edgerton) which didn't seem motivating or romantically compelling enough to justify helping Lawrence.

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