Friday, April 27, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War

It's hard to write about Avengers: Infinity War, without some spoiler alert to allude to. But my visceral reaction was that it was good, not necessarily better than the other Avenger movies and certainly not the recent Black Panther. It was an ambitious undertaking a decade in the making to culminate all these storylines and super hero characters into what is essentially part one of a larger movie with half the heroes left in tatters. In that endeavor, Infinity War felt noticeably too big for it's britches in it's unevenness in storytelling and in trying to cram everything in while simultaneously leaving out key characters. Where was Hawkeye and Ant Man? Maybe part 2 will fix that. Again, it was good. But, this fuckin supersized Paul Bunyan of a villain Thanos, killing everyone and jacking the galaxy for infinity bling. Well, he was a bit laughable. The most satisfaction was seeing how the relatively new Marvel characters mixed in and worked with the older characters, especially in the action sequences. Thor gets funnier with each new movie and so having him team with the Guardians was something most of us saw coming to bridge the storylines. The banter with him and Chris Pratt's character was one of the funniest scenes. There was plenty of action at 2 and a half hrs. No surprise there, but they could have worked on the sense of urgency of the plot better juxtaposed with the humor, especially for what we were left with at the end of this part anyway.

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