Saturday, April 22, 2017

Suicide Squad

Other than to get perhaps some more insight into the whole Justice League saga, I watched this without any real earnestness.  What I got was kind of what I expected from the consensus, but no foul as it was a free dvd to rent.  Suicide Squad, despite it's maniacal characters, lack an edginess in characters and story with the exception of Jared Leto as the Joker and Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn.  The worst of the worst criminals are turned into a team for the government to take down extraordinary threats.  Of course, The Avengers or anything close to it, it isn't.  Sorely lacking are enough backstory content to make one even care about this team of super villains.  Admittedly, the DC saga of films has had a rough and rocky start leading up to the upcoming Justice League film. Suicide Squad seems like a feeble attempt towards that lead up.  A charismatic Will Smith and  the talented acting credibility of Viola Davis barely keep it  afloat.  I was certainly confused throughout the viewing by the questionable comedic tone and or lack of real edgy darkness presented.   DC isn't exactly navigating with the ease of Marvel when it comes to infusing more comedic films to further the larger narrative, as their Ant Man and Deadpool have done with regards to the Avengers.  Suicide Squad might have done better as a series on a network or Netflix like their Legends Of Tomorrow.

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