Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

A decade since the release of Toby Maguire's Spider-Man doesn't seem like a long time enough to plunge into making a reboot that, although creatively fresh and noticeably darker in certain plots and character storylines, is full of the lack luster, chemistry, and energy that made the first film a successful franchise.  The film starts off fresh enough, but quickly tries too hard to encompass the best elements of the previous movies and other comic book movies, into a rushed frenzy that weakens the story and character development.   The cast, although good and talented, seem more like generic cardboard cut-out replacements of their earlier film counterparts.  It's decent enough to watch, but premature in production to warrant it's own distinctive identity, even for a public with a short attention span.  Better luck with the sequel.

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