Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

What can I say about this film that basically sums it up?  EPIC!  More than any other comic book/superhero movie, this is the most epic I've ever seen.  There have certainly been issues with the Nolan-Bale franchise of Batman movies.  Yet this film manages to graciously close the chapter in such a fitting way that satisfies.  Along the way, there are more than unexpected and sweeping surprises.  Of course, there are the obligatory gadgets and larger than life action sequences that are on equal, if not better  footing with the previous films.  But it's so nicely and evenly tempered with storylines and characters both new and old, that riddle the film to these epic proportions.  Yes, this is a large and epic film because within those storylines and characters portrayed by a brilliant cast, are many themes that better than most films address what it means to be a hero, among many others relevant to the story and the viewers.  A summer blockbuster, it certainly is.  But more than that, this final act propels itself to almost Shakespearean heights at times.  A running time of almost 3 hours certainly does help with that, but I certainly didn't notice or feel the urge to glance at the time, as I was caught up in the anticipation of the storyline of these characters. That only brings me to my only initial criticism after just seeing it.  The dialogue of Bane, ironically like Batman, wasn't all that clear in this movie.  Irregardless, a second viewing in the theater is rather obligatory by me.

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